
Here's what you need to know about taking care of your skin after treatment to achieve the best results.

keep it clean

Keep the area clean, cool and dry for at least 8 hours post treatment. Use as few and gentle products as possible.

Avoid overcleaning the area as this can dry it out or cause a reaction.

Your skin may feel dry, use a moisturizer such as scent-free, colorless aloe vera.

If you use makeup, reserve a fresh hypoallergenic formula for use after treatment so you do not contaminate the area.

keep it simple

Use gentle creams and gentle cleansers. Don't use extra products, anything you don't need to.

Avoid harsh soaps, perfumed products, heavy creams, acne or anti-aging products, etc. for 48 hours after treatment.

Also avoid retinol or AHA products and treatments by a dermatologist or aesthetician (such as chemical peel, microdermabrasion, etc.) for at least 2 weeks before and after treatment.

ew, cooties

Avoid exposing the treated area to bacteria such as saunas, hot tubs, rivers, lakes, swimming pools, etc. for 48 hours.

hands off

Avoid touching the treated area as this can cause irritation and infection. (The number one reason for scarring is picking of scabs from poor aftercare and post treatment infection). So even though it's tempting to feel it, keep your hands off the area for 48 hours after treatment, and never pick any scabs.

wait, then exfoliate

Wait at least 48 hours to exfoliate, but after that if you are prone to ingrown hairs, you can do gentle exfoliation. A gentle circular motion with a washcloth, not scrubbing can help bring hairs up and remove dead skin off surface of skin so hair can come through.

Or you can use a chemical exfoliator (such as PFB/Perfect For Bumps, Tend Skin, or another anti keratolytic lotion to help with ingrown hairs and bumps.


Be sure to use sunscreen. Avoid direct sun exposure (even sitting by a window) and tanning beds for at least 48 hours after treatment.

tight pants

Since you'll want to keep the area clean, cool and dry for at least 8 hours, we do not recommend working out immediately after treatment, especially for underarms and bikini line.

Tight jeans, clothing, and tights should not be worn after treatment of the bikini line, in order to prevent friction and the resulting scabbing.

speak up

Let us know about any skin reactions from treatment.

If the skin is irritated, applying a hydrocortisone cream may help with any lasting redness or swelling.

ready or not

Try some of the suggestions for making your treatment more comfortable before your next appointment.

(Click here for suggestions)

extra cleaning required

If dirt or perspiration are an issue an antiseptic can be used, but should only be used if needed. An antibiotic cream (not ointment) such as Neosporin, may be helpful especially prior to working out or other vigorous activity to keep sweat from introducing bacteria.

keep it cool

Applying ice to the area immediately after treatment can help reduce redness and swelling (be sure to use a barrier).

just say no

Avoid smoking and alcohol 24 hours after treatment as this can impact healing.

let it grow

Stop plucking altogether. (Remember this causes your hormonal hair growth to become thicker!)

You can shave or trim hair between appointments but be sure to leave it long enough for us to treat.

stay hydrated

Remember to drink lots of water. Hydrated skin responds better during and after treatment.